About us


Forest Fields Advice Centre

Reaching out to the Community

Our Mission

To provide a free accessible, accountable and effective specialist service in areas of Benefits, Debt and Housing that have the greatest impact on vulnerable and disadvantaged areas of the community.

Services are particularly targeted towards disadvantaged and vulnerable sections of society whose access to Benefits, Debt and Housing advice is often limited or doesn’t exist.

We are an independent voluntary organisation and a registered charity.  At the present time we do not have any paid employees and rely on volunteers to deliver our services and to run the centre.
Our premises are leased from Nottingham City Council at a peppercorn rent.
Our funding comes from rental income for letting out rooms and grants from local/national statutory bodies and other charitable foundations.
Like all charities we are always struggling for funds and would welcome donations to aid our cause.  Please go to (http://localgiving.com/forestfieldsadvicecentre) if you wish to make a donation.
We are managed by a Board of Trustees who meet bi-monthly to decide on policies, finance and any other issues relating to the running of the centre.  All of our Trustees give their time voluntarily and include a representative from Nottingham City Council